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Recent news

  • Thermal Remote Sensing Workshop in Space Park Leicester

    This was the first official, stand-alone event of the SIG! We had great attendance and lots of interest. We also heard that new collaborations have been initiated, as well as job interviews! Thermal photo of the participants, taken by Thermal Vision Research, our sponsor. Please let us know what you think!

  • Hydrosat Launches into Space and Humanity

    Written by: Dr. Joshua B. Fisher, Science Leat at Hydrosat On August 16, 2024, Hydrosat launched into space what may be among the most cutting-edge thermal infrared (TIR) satellites in existence. The satellite, called Van Zyl-1 (VZ-1), is at the forefront not because it is a billion dollar complex large instrument, but rather the opposite:…

  • Special session on thermal in EARSeL main symposium in Manchester

    We had another successful session in Manchester, within the EARSeL main symposium. We had 5 presentations and over 40 participants and very interesting presentations. Here are a few highlights Dr. Shaojuan Xu from ILS, presenting work on a City-scale 3D Thermographic Model for Inspection of Building Energy Efficiency Charlotte Paton from University of Leicester, presenting…
