
FLUXNET Workshop: The Great Thermal Bake-Off

A Hands-On Workshop for Enhancing Temperature Measurement Precision and Standardization for Improved Flux Interpretation and Application

Workshop Goals:
1. Cross-Instrument Comparison & Standardization: Establish and test processing standards for thermal instruments through a field campaign, encompassing preprocessing, installation, and post-processing, to ensure consistency and reliability across devices.
2. Build Community Engagement around a ThermalCam Network: Enhance the accessibility and usability of thermal data within the broader scientific community, fostering a supportive network for sharing and innovation.

Attendance/Funding Information: Applications for in-person are due April 5th, 2024. Attendance is free, as well as lodging for up to 31 participants (preference given to early career). Food will be provided for all participants. A small number of travel grants (air/ground) are available and will be awarded by the organizing committee.

When: August 13th – 16th, 2024

Where: Northern Arizona University’s Hat Ranch Field Station, Flagstaff, AZ, USA

More information and registration here: https://fluxnet.org/fluxnet-workshop-the-great-thermal-bake-off/