This episode of “Thermal Lens” features Charlie Siggs, Commercial Agronomist at constellr. In this episode, we discuss how agronomists work with satellite companies to monitor plant health using thermal imagery. We explain how thermal imagery reveals plant water stress and the importance of accuracy and resolution in this process. We also explore the use of different wavelengths and data fusion techniques. Commercially, we consider the value of company data for various applications and collaboration opportunities. Lastly, we touch on the skill set needed for agronomists to work in satellite applications. Join us as we explore the link between agriculture and satellite technology.

Charlie Siggs is an agronomist and has been solving problems in the agriculture industry for over 15 years. He works at constellr and contributes to optimising agriculture using remote sensing techniques.

constellr is a German satellite company providing thermal intelligence for better resource accountability in agriculture. They build satellites for imaging in thermal wavelengths, which allow analysing water stress in plants.
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