This is the PRE-registration form for the workshop participation. The workshop will have a limited number of spaces, so we need to choose a number of people to invite to the workshop in person. Therefore, we ask your motivation for participating in the workshop in the pre-registration form. Based on the answers received by all applicants, we will generate a list of participants and notify everybody via email whether they have been accepted to participate in the workshop.
We are also investigating the potential for streaming parts of the workshop online and further information will be provided with the notification emails.
Please note that by completing this form you are committing to participating in the workshop in person.
The deadline for the pre-registration form is 25th September 2024 23:59 BST.
If you are also interested in participating in the LST_cci workshop, you need to register separately using this form. More information on the LST_cci workshop can be found under this link.